Spring 2025 Executive Board
Aidan Pawlak
Talk to me about: Risk Management, Executive board and chapter meeting minutes, any general complaints or concerns
Email: president@apo-aa.org
Kshama Tavva
Executive Vice President
Talk to me about: Strategic Planning, Goal Setting, Officer Orientation, Mid-semester Review, Chapter Assessment Planning
Ashley Cervantes
VP of Membership
Talk to me about: Alumni relations, retention efforts, membership statuses, opportunities and threat analysis
Email: membership@apo-aa.org
Amy Huang
VP of Finance
Talk to me about: Financial Budgets, fundraising, membership dues
Stormy Mosson
VP of Pledge Training
Talk to me about: Pledge (New Member) Programming, Alpha Phi Omega education, opportunities and involvement within the pledge program.
Email: pt@apo-aa.org
Aarushi Bafna
VP of Pledge Training
Talk to me about: Pledge (New Member) Programming, Alpha Phi Omega education, opportunities and involvement within the pledge program.
Email: pt@apo-aa.org
Ashley Darrell
VP of Service
Talk to me about: Creating your own service event, concerns about a service event, service Opportunities (Community and Country)
Email: service@apo-aa.org
Sohan Joshi
VP of Service
Talk to me about: Creating your own service event, concerns about a service event, service Opportunities (Community and Country)
Email: service@apo-aa.org
Livia Lin
VP of Leadership
Talk to me about: Leadership Development, leadership Opportunities, how to lead, everyday Leadership
Email: leadership@apo-aa.org
Kiran Singh
VP of Friendship
Talk to me about: Make your own fellowship, dynasty events, APO families, fellowship events, anything about Friendship
Email: friendship@apo-aa.org
Ahana Chakraborty
VP of Communications
Talk to me about: Media/Social Media, public Relations, fraternal Relations, apo-aa.org website, fraternity Conferences
Email: communications@apo-aa.org
Rachel Moy
Talk to me about: Meeting Minutes, Space Requests, Storage space, Alpha Alpha History
Email: secretary@apo-aa.org
Francis Chavez
Talk to me about: Risk Management, Robert’s Rules, governing Documents, Internal Review Committee, Judicial Review Committee, Nominations Committee
Email: sgtatarms@apo-aa.org
W. Jason Strutz
Advisory Chair
Talk to me about: Questions about the national fraternity or larger chapter issues
Email: advisorychair@apo-aa.org
Emily Cohen
Immediate Past President